Contact Us

0720 141 500

Kodi Road, No. 19

Nairobi West



Property Management

Property owners who have invested in real estate desire to obtain adequate returns on their investments. Under our estate management portfolio, we act on behalf of the investor landlord or developer. We collect rent, make disbursements, and account for the rent proceeds.

We manage;

  1. Commercial buildings
  2. Residential houses, villas, blocks of apartments, estates etc.
  3. Industrial buildings
  4. Ongoing projects and Project managers

What is property management?
Property Management is at best STEWARDSHIP which assumes responsibilities akin to those of
trustees.  A manger underwrites the care of the principal’s assets in order to enhance, retain and
build profitability during the life of the asset.
Benefits of property management to society?
Benefits of effective management reach beyond the immediate investors of landlord and tenant.
The investors hold the assets on behalf of the greater society and property management benefits

  • Safeguards the society’s real assets
  • Promotes relationships among all interests
  • Ameliorates stakeholder conflicts
  • Improves peoples’ quality of life
  • Carries the responsibility of “a social trustee.”

This level of management is critical to the well-being of society and therefore requires societal
interest, investment and promotion.